The Friends of Camp Christopher Sunshine Committee is responsible for nourishing a culture of caring relationships by acknowledging special occasions. It strives to spread a little joy to motivate and support members and their families. Specifically, the FoCC Sunshine Committee recognizes major achievements and milestones, as well as members facing a challenge, by sending supportive communications in the name of the FoCC membership.

FoCC Board members Phyllis Richardson & Irene Lawrence ever on the lookout to reach out to members.
Today, the Sunshine Committee is chaired by founding member and first elected FoCC president Irene (Wagner) Lawrence. After her brief hiatus, we are glad to welcome Irene back to leadership.
The former chairperson of the Sunshine Committee, Kathy Prochnow, has been connected to the Camp Christopher community for the better part of 50 years. As a counselor for the Resident Camp program in the 1970s, she experienced what so many staff of every decade have, the uplifting presence of the Christopher Spirit. Often this was manifested in handwritten notes and homemade cards that were signs of the encouragement support shared in those summers of working in the Christopher fields. And, most appropriately for Kathy’s present responsibilities, her nickname at Camp was “Sunny.”

If you know of a FoCC member who has had a major event of interest to the group which should be recognized by fellow members (such as member weddings, direct descendent births, job retirement, or other significant joyous occasion as well as bereavement news) please contact the Sunshine Committee through Irene at, or leave us a message in the comments box below. A greeting card will be mailed in recognition.
When reporting on a hospitalized member, please share your name and the member’s name with the Sunshine Committee. When reporting on a tragic loss give your name, the name of the member and their relationship to the deceased. When reporting, provide as much necessary information as you have available. Your help here is an essential component in making our committee consistent in its ongoing support of our members.
Hi my name is Pam Zimmerman Woodruff and I was a Day Camp Counselor 1967,68,69 then went and helped cook in 1970. I live in Marina Del Rey,Ca now but I would love to help on the Sunshine Committee. I know I am far away from Camp but I love to write heartfelt letters and cards so. I hope you can use my help.
Thanks, Pam. We’ll pass this request on to “Sunny”!