“Join us! It’s a heck of a lot of fun!” (Photo courtesy of Phyl Richardson)
We Are Back, September Song Campers!
One of Camp Christopher’s more modest but most popular programs is September Song, a week of resident camping for those of us in the “September” of our lives (ages 50 and older). This worthwhile adventure, celebrating its 33rd anniversary at Camp, became a part of the Christopher annual schedule in 1991 at the closing of Camp Isaac Jogues where the program had flourished for many years.
Novelist Thomas Wolfe proclaimed, “You Can’t Go Home Again.” Sadly, he must have never experienced September Song where, indeed, sweet survivors of seasons past can gather to celebrate the setting which nurtured their Wonder Bread years. We invite you to consider these six days of social and recreational activities sure to prove good for the soul. With a leisurely schedule, fun activities (optional if you just want to relax at the beach), daily Mass, delicious meals, special entertainment and field trips, it’s a great setting in which to renew your Christopher ties.
In 2024, September Song is scheduled for August 11th through August 16th. Between that Sunday afternoon arrival and Friday morning departure lie 4 whole days to reactivate the soul while adding some aches to the old bod which will inevitably remind us we’re not 19 anymore. Click on the link below to be directed to Catholic Charities’ page on the program.
Camp Christopher September Song program
Friends of Camp Christopher is so convinced of the merits of this fine program that it has set aside some dollars as campership assistance for seniors who might need help to meet the $300 fee. Inquire about our FoCC financial assistance at no later than July 1st.

A leisurely hour at the Crafts Shop produces an impressive display of tie-dye splendor for these September Songsters.

In the welcoming embrace of Christopher’s woods, these seniors take to the trails they hiked so easily back in their younger days.
Kudos. I value this.
This is absolutely the most fun and addictive group, it gets better every year….Really !
I haven’t sent in my registration because I did not know Sept Song was going to happen this year.
If so would you send me about 6 paper copies of the forms for registration, packing list, flyers.
I don’t have a computer at home. Libraries are not aceessible right now. Always trying to talk camp up with friends. But want to see papers.
Patty, thanks for your inquiry, but we are also in the dark about September Song’s 2020 chances. If you click on “Camp Christopher September Song” (above) you can go directly to Catholic Charities’ site and they are the ones who can update you and send requested forms. Hope to see you soon!